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Can we just talk for a minute about how much I love the Olympics?

Now, I am in no way, shape, or form an athlete. I’m not even particularly coordinated. In fact, outside of the Olympics, I never watch sports. Of any kind. They’re just not my thing.

But during the Olympics? I will watch just about anything. Even the less exciting events, such as the marathon or the bike races, are great to have on in the background while you are doing something else.

And while I enjoy watching the big medal events and seeing athletes from my country succeed, what I really love about the Olympics are the underdogs. During the opening ceremony’s parade of nations, I absolutely love seeing nations who have just a handful of athletes, have never won a medal and honestly, probably have a snowball’s chance in hell at winning this time. And yet…just look at the faces of their athletes. They aren’t preoccupied with how many medals they are going to get, or whether they will be named the “best Olympian of all time” – they are just so happy to be there, and so proud to be representing their country. That is what I love. That is what I really think the Olympics should be about. Sure, winning is great, and it is a wonderful honor to bring home that medal for your country, but let’s not forget that it is an honor just to be there and to take part in an event that brings the world together in a way that no other event is yet to do.

Hmm. I’ll step off my soapbox now and talk about potato salad now.

This is a mayo-free potato salad. I made this for a couple of reasons: There are a lot of people in this world who are vehemently anti-mayo, and when it is hot as hell outside, you certainly don’t want to be taking a mayo-based potato salad to a picnic or outdoor get-together. That is just asking for something gross to happen. This is a potato salad that everyone can like that won’t try to kill you if you leave it out in the heat.

And the fact that the fresh green beans and sweet corn give it a nutritional boost lacking in a lot of potato salads? That’s just a bonus.

Potato Salad with Dijon and Green Beans

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  • Place potatoes in a large pot and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil and allow to simmer for 15-25 minutes, or until a paring knife can be easily inserted into the center of the potatoes. Drain and allow to cool. Cut cooked potatoes into 1-inch cubes. Set aside.
  • Trim the ends from the green beans and cut into 1-inch pieces. Bring a pot of water to a boil; add the green beans and blanch for 2-3 minutes. Remove from boiling water and immediately place in an ice bath to stop the cooking process.
  • Cut the cooked corn from the cob. Set aside.
  • In a small bowl, whisk together the lemon juice, Dijon, olive oil, salt and several grinds of black pepper. In a large bowl, toss together the potatoes, green beans and corn with the dressing. Taste for seasoning, adding more salt and pepper as needed. Chill for several hours or overnight. Serve cold or at room temperature.
  • Salad will keep, covered in the refrigerator, for 3 days.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!


  1. Love summer Olympics! Mike loved them until I made him sit through men’s gymnastics. I love the addition of the corn and green beans! PS I’m making a beet and potato purée/mash tonight…. Does that make you want to barf or do you think you could handle it? : )

    1. Hmmm, well that would all depend on just how beet-y it was. 😉 Although I bet it would be a gorgeous pink color!

      And any dude who has an opinion regarding Big or Aidan on SATC can’t scoff TOO much at men’s gymnastics. I mean, really.

  2. I’m addicted to the summer Olympics! … and to Ryan Lochte…. has anyone figured out if he’s single yet?? Your potato salad looks amazing! As always 🙂 I love dijon potato salad, I’ve been eating a dijon corn salad like crazy lately, must try this now too!

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