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Luscious tomatoes stacked high with avocado, corn and creamy herb yogurt dressing.

Hello, my lovelies! For those following along, Momma’s surgery went well on Wednesday and we brought her home yesterday. While we all rest and regroup, Julia from The Roasted Root is sharing some incredibly sweet words (excuse me while I go get a tissue) and a luscious stacked tomato salad recipe. Here she is!


Hello, my dear friends! I’m stepping in for Stephie while she’s spending time with her family. As you know, Julie “Momma” Swope had a procedure to remove colon cancer on Wednesday, and Stephie has been spending time with her this week (if this is all news to you, go read Stephie’s Life Updates post and then come right back!).

I brought some stacked food, which I will tell you about momentarily, but first what I really want to talk about is Julie Swope. Julie is a superhero as far as I’m concerned. She’s quick-witted, hard-working, supportive, smart, funny, thoughtful, and strong! I feel a kinship toward both Momma Swope and Stephie, and am thrilled that I am finally meeting them at the end of September.

Momma Swope has been a big part of my life over the last three years, particularly within the last year. While I haven’t gone into detail on my own blog, this past year has been challenging for me. Julie has been an incredible resource for advice and laughs – the woman has insight and humor, which is what I crave abundantly. She’s very giving and willing to lend a helping hand.

They just don’t make people like Julie and Stephie these days, so having these women in my life makes me feel like I really lucked out. They certainly fill my love tank. Their positive outlook on life is contagious and their ability to always move forward in spite of any hardship they face is inspiring.

I mean, what kind of woman finds out she has colon cancer and instead of feeling downtrodden and throwing herself a pity party, she shrugs with a “I don’t have time for cancer,” and decides to fight? That would be Julie.

To Julie: I wish you a speedy recovery and can’t wait to finally give you a legit hug next month. My thoughts are with you and I love the crap out of you (get it? Crap?)!

Okay, let’s talk tomato stacks so that you know the skinny on this summery stack of fresco goodness. Stacked food never gets old. It’s like Jenga but in edible-form. I spotted the recipe for Tomato Stack Salad with Corn and Avocado on and knew it would be a quick, fun and tasty appetizer.

I replaced the buttermilk and mayonnaise in the original recipe for Greek yogurt to make the herb-y dressing. I also omitted the bacon, but definitely think the stacks could use the crispy, salty bits of joy. Which is my way of telling you to add the bacon. All together, the fresh tomatoes, corn, and avocado are a wonderful combination and the herb dressing adds so much flavor. Whooda thought Jenga food could taste so good?

Make these in abundance during the rest of tomato and corn season and share them with the people you love! Send your positive thoughts and best wishes to the Swope family, and have yourselves a fabulous weekend!


Tomato Stack Salad with Corn and Avocado

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For the Salad

  • 3 large vine-ripened tomatoes thickly sliced
  • 2 ripe avocadoes thickly sliced
  • 1 ear corn roasted or grilled
  • Sea salt and black pepper
  • Grapeseed or olive oil

For the Herb Yogurt Dressing:

  • ¼ cup plain greek yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon fresh basil chopped
  • 1 tablespoon fresh dill chopped
  • 1 clove garlic minced
  • 2 teaspoons cider vinegar


Make the Dressing:

  • Combine all ingredients for the dressing in a small bowl and stir to combine. Refrigerate until ready to use.

Make the Salad:

  • Cook the corn by roasting it in the oven at 350 degrees F for 30 minutes, or grilling it until plump and juicy, about 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Layer slices of tomato and avocado on a plate and garnish with corn, desired amount of herb yogurt dressing, and a drizzle of grapeseed or olive oil.
  • Serve and enjoy!
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!



  1. 5 stars
    Argg!! Stephie’s right. This did make me cry. I love you and can’t wait to get my real Julia hug. By then, I should be ready for a full-blown hug!! Hugs and kisses from Momma Swope <3

  2. 5 stars
    Aw, such a sweet tribute to Momma Swope! I know cancer can be such a scary thing but the fact that they found it early is a really good sign. My 75 year old grandmother was diagnosed with colon cancer three years ago and she had it removed without chemo or radiation and she did wonderfully. So I have great faith that Momma Swope will be just fine! In the meantime she is in our thoughts and prayers. <3

  3. Beautiful, beautiful post!! Oh how I wish I could be there to do a stacks-on hug with all THREE of you (wait. Make that five, with Mr Peat Whisky and Poppa Swope!). Julia, I love these flavours (ohhhh that dressing. Yum) and the words that you’ve added here confirm what I’ve always felt – Julie and Stephie are the kind of women that you feel blessed to come across in a lifetime. I feel completely blessed to live in the time of the internet as, without blogging, a little Aussie like me wouldn’t have had a chance to meet these lovely Swopes! Anyway (*sniff*) I’m praying for Momma Swope and I know that complete healing will come soon, with much prayer and thanksgiving! Xxx

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